Explore the Blog

It’s 2011. You just took a photo that you want to share on Instagram. You upload the image, pop on your favorite filter (you consider Walden or Earlybird but ultimately use Nashville), add a quick caption, and hit Share. That’s it; you’re done! You don’t second-guess your choice to post. You don’t overthink the caption. You don’t even worry about likes, comments, or shares. 

Gone are the carefree days of social media posting — especially if you’re using it to promote or grow your business! Thanks to the ever-changing algorithm, it’s more important than ever to practice purposeful posting. 

Your social media page is an important piece of your digital marketing strategy — just as important, in fact, as your weekly blog post or monthly newsletter. When you analyze it closely before publishing, you ensure that you’re sharing factual, helpful content; expand your reach; and create a value-based relationship with your audience.

Ready to up your social media game? Ask yourself these four questions before you hit publish.

Is the content valuable to your target audience?

First and foremost, your post should be easy to read and understand. There’s no value in content that is confusing or misleading! You want your post to solve a problem faced by your followers or answer a question they have. It should resonate in a meaningful way, whether it gives them a burst of positivity or teaches them something new. 

Does your content allow your audience to engage with you?

You want your post to be thought-provoking. Maybe it asks a question or touches on a popular topic, motivating followers to comment or publish it to their Stories. Better yet, does it encourage your audience to engage with other users or share the post with their own followers?  Once they begin chatting in the comments, the chances are higher that new followers will tune in.

Does the content align with your mission?

Your post should represent your brand and inspire your followers to take action. Whether you want them to visit your website, complete an inquiry form, or make a purchase, keep your calls-to-action focused on your end goal.

Does this post make sense for this platform?

Finally, think about what platform you’re using. Who are your followers? Do they prefer photos or videos? Do they scroll their feeds or look at Stories most often? Do they want personal or professional content? You can also find out what time users are most likely to be on the platform and tailor your posting schedule to these busier hours. 

Another way to up your social media game is through the Explore page on Instagram.

The Explore page shows followers content similar to who they follow or what they search. To get your post in front of new potential followers on this page, consider the following four tips — which align well with our questions above!

  1. Do some research. Ask yourself: What does my audience want to see? Check out other posts in your niche that are performing well and try to figure out why.
  2. Get specific. There is already so much generic content that doesn’t share in-depth information or provide tangible ways to solve a problem.
  3. Create content that other users will want to share or save. Shares and saves are two of the top elements that boost your content within the algorithm.
  4. Present the information in a clear and easily digestible manner. If your audience doesn’t digest the main point within the initial five seconds, they’re likely to lose interest and keep scrolling.

We can’t wait to see your next social media post!

If you’re looking to develop a digital marketing strategy and expand your online reach, please reach out to our team today.

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