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It may seem like your website and social media channels are the biggest pieces of the digital marketing puzzle, but email marketing matters too! In fact, when done correctly, it can truly transform your business. According to research from the Data & Marketing Association, every dollar spent on email marketing has a 42 dollar return on investment. That means you can reach significant results with minimal effort!

For today’s blog post, let’s uncover five secrets for effective email marketing.

1. Make sure your emails are deliverable.

To effectively reach your customers, you have to make sure your emails are being delivered. There are a few steps you can take to ensure email deliverability, including:

  • Collect real emails! Buying a “list” of subscribers is tempting, but more often than not, these emails are inactive or fake.
  • Every quarter, review your list for duplicates or spam accounts. If emails are bouncing back, remove them to improve your analytics.
  • The last thing you want is for your subscribers to feel stuck. Get rid of barriers to unsubscribe by adding a simple link or button to your email footer.
  • Keep your emails fresh and engaging so your subscribers want to read them. If they repeatedly add them to the trash, their email platforms may start marking them as junk.
  • Be consistent too. The more people come to expect your emails, the more likely they are to open them. 

2. When you send your email matters.

Speaking of consistency, there’s a science to when you should send your newsletters! The best days for email marketing are either Tuesday or Thursday. Many people feel frazzled when they return to work on Monday, and they’re already looking to the weekend on Friday. The time you hit “send” is important too. For the highest open rate, schedule your email between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 

3. Personalization makes all the difference.

Research your audience and your industry so you can personalize your email to your recipients. For instance, if your email subscribers are mostly moms with school-age kids, think about how they are spending their final days of summer and preparing for the next school year. How can your products help them? 

Additionally, it’s worthwhile to reward loyal behavior. 68 percent of people stop buying from  a brand that seems like they don’t care about their customers. Offer exclusive promotions — like 10 percent off or free shipping — to your email subscribers. You can also set-up a loyalty program to encourage buyers to return to your site again and again. 

4. Your subject line will determine if your email is worth opening.

Did you know that 47 percent of recipients decide to open an email based on the subject line alone? You want something short and sweet that gets to the heart of your email copy without giving it all away. If it fits with your brand voice, consider adding an emoji to the end as another way to grab their attention.

Here are some example subject lines that Carlisle & Co. has used recently:

  • Our Guide to Prime Day 🛒
  • We saw you on Instagram! 🤳
  • A Peek into our Google Ads Dashboard 👀

If you aren’t already signed up for our newsletters, join the list here!

5. Make it easy to join your list!

Finally, improve your sign-up process so new customers don’t get discouraged when they’re trying to join your list. Make sure your input field only accepts real email addresses by using ReCAPTCHA software. Include a sentence or two on your sign-up form that details what visitors can expect after joining your list — something like, “In addition to our monthly newsletter, we may pop into your inbox occasionally to share exciting news or exclusive promotions. We will never share your information with third parties.” It’s also important to send a confirmation email so you know if the email lands in a real inbox. 

With these tips, we hope you’ll adopt an effective email marketing strategy for your business!

If you’re looking to develop a digital marketing strategy and expand your online reach, please reach out to our team today.

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