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For today’s blog post, we want to go back to the basics and answer that we are asked time and time again: What is digital marketing? 

Author, influencer, and marketer Neil Patel defines digital marketing as “any form of marketing products or services that involves electronic devices.” While people often associate digital marketing with the Internet, it actually dates back to 1896 with the invention of the radio.  

Six Elements of Digital Marketing

Here are the six main elements of a digital marketing strategy (adopted from guru Maggie Stara) as well as how they can be used to grow your business:

    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO refers to your efforts to optimize your website in order to rank higher in search engine results. SEO efforts ultimately increase the amount of organic traffic to your website. This element can be achieved in various ways, one of which is through content writing. By incorporating a specific keyword into a blog post (title, subheading(s), and body), a company can present themselves to Google as an expert on a particular topic.
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): While SEO refers to free methods of improving your search engine results, SEM pertains to paid avenues of increasing your website’s traffic, such as Google Advertisements or other pay-per-click options. For example, when you type a search term into Google, you’ll see that the top results often feature “Ad” at the front of their listing, showing that the company paid Google for this top-of-page placement. 
    • Content Marketing: Content marketing or writing refers to publishing useful, appropriate, and consistent content on your website to attract and maintain a clearly-defined customer-base. The idea here is to give your online visitors free information in an effort to increase brand awareness and ultimately drive purchases.
    • Social Media Marketing (SMM): SMM refers to using social media channels — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn — to grow your business. Through these avenues, you can pursue both paid and unpaid marketing efforts. Your SMM strategy includes everything from handles and hashtags to graphics, filters, and even comment replies. 
    • Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a commission by promoting another company’s products or services. Despite its bad reputation, it’s a great way to grow your business quickly with a limited budget. To help this method feel natural, be sure to only promote items that align with your own brand and beliefs. 
    • Email Marketing: Building a strong, authentic email list has the highest return on investment of any marketing strategy. Similar to content marketing, with valuable and reliable email communication, companies can attract new followers who turn into loyal customers and then share their brand with others through a simple forward of a newsletter.

A Silver Lining, LLC Digital Marketing Services

At A Silver Lining, LLC, we take a 360-degree digital marketing approach — meaning we consider every step of your client’s journey in an effort to provide you with an all-encompassing strategy to help you meet your goals. Our marketing services include:

    • Content Writing
    • Email Marketing Solutions
    • Photography
    • PPC / Google Advertisements 
    • Print Materials and Advertisements
    • Re-Targeting and Re-Marketing Campaigns
    • SEO
    • Social Media Strategy, Management, and Optimization
    • Strategy Consultation
    • Virtual Meeting Consultation and Management
    • Website Design and Development
    • Website Management

You have a vision. We will get you there.

If you’re interested in working with A Silver Lining, LLC for your digital marketing needs, reach out to our team today!

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  1. […] digital marketing services do we provide? Our digital marketing strategy for Platinum Primary Care focuses on search engine optimization (SEO), targeted ads, email […]

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